Friday, August 14, 2009

Our Perspective on Life has Changed

Hello from San Jose, Costa Rica -

After being away for almost five months our perspective on life has changed. Together we have been in school for twelve weeks, we’ve learned about the issues of injustice around the world, we’ve gained a fresh understanding about God’s love for peoples suffering, and we have witnessed that suffering first hand in Panama and Costa Rica.

Caleb trying to kiss the monkey

Caleb chasing the ducks and chickens at Errebache

It hasn’t come easy being in two foreign countries. One of the biggest challenges has been being the only family amongst a large group of mostly single people and two married couples. In some ways I envy them, because they don’t have the responsibility’s that come with a family. We have had to wrestle through the dynamics of how a family survives outreach. It has been incredibly difficult to find the balance of who is doing ministry when and who is going to watch Caleb. We both desire to be fully active in ever opportunity we have but that just isn’t possible with a child. We have also struggled with not having a “safe” place for Caleb to be. By “safe” we mean that is child proofed for a two year old. Our common area for living was a church sanctuary with instruments, sound equipment, teammate’s laptops, ipods and camera’s. Not exactly child friendly which meant we were constantly on our guard or just staying in our room which is pretty isolating.

Caleb getting ready for bed the first night in Errebache

Caleb with mommy and monkey

The moving around has also been challenging but Caleb has shown himself to be such a trooper. It usually takes him a few nights and about a day or so to adjust to a new setting. We seem to be in new places every few weeks or so which is a lot of uprooting for the little man. He’s even speaking a little bit of Spanish, eats foods from around the world, plays with children of other cultures and has even slept in a hut in the jungle. He is receiving a true gift in experiencing the diversity of God’s people and creation. We know this is shaping the man he will one day be for the better.

Caleb wanting to play with the monkey, but not really

Caleb with Joseph after being painted up

At times we have questioned our sanity for deciding to follow God’s leading to do a DTS at this season in our lives. As we have talked about the hardships we are constantly reminded of the long term fruit of this season. It has indeed been a time of growing for us; learning to share the responsibilities of parenting, living in challenging circumstances, improving our communication with one another, defining life priorities and of course the incredible privilege of being able to share with our children in the future the way in which God sustained us and demonstrated his unceasing faithfulness in this season.

Caleb in Panama City walking around

Caleb in Errebache with some of the Embera people

We see that our lives have been full of choices that we know to be the right ones, but in many cases they were not the easiest or most glamorous to make. In many of these decisions, we can see how our character has been shaped. While this season has been a challenge we know it is where God wants us so that his plans for our lives can be realized. As a family we know the fruit of this season is due to our obedience, the prayers of so many, gifts of financial support and the love of our Father!

In his service,

Gary, Jenn, Caleb and Baby Land

1 comment:

  1. oh my precious precious caleb. What a beautiful little boy he is becoming!! You are ALL very missed, I love that we can periodically see pictures and videos of this journey God has you all on, and I cant wait to hear your stories in person. God bless you Land family! and may He make your ministry like a fruitful vine, bearing good fruit both now and in the future.. Love You!!! Mom/Joanne& Nana :-)
