Monday, February 23, 2009

Stretching........and all that it entails.

We have been actively preparing for this crazy exciting adventure!! As a couple we are both dealing with an array of emotions ranging from out right doubt to moments of extreme purpose and clarity. This process of raising support, getting our taxes done, passports applied for, housing for the grandmas aka nannies, buying airline tickets, trying to figure out if we should switch to cloth diapers to cut our expenses, what type of travel bed/crib would be best for Caleb in Hawaii and possibly Central America, what stroller to bring, what we are going to do with the things we are leaving behind, when and where to have fundraising events. and a myriad of seemingly endless details.

I personally have been stretched like never before and keep saying to myself and Gary...I can't do this anymore!!! Of course all through tears. I blame those mainly on the fact that I'm pregnant, hormonal and have morning sickness all day. Gary has also felt this stretching as his work has decreased over the last few months as so many in the construction industry are. Plus he has been battling a really bad flu this past week which has passed to my dad and Caleb. So far on the men have gotten it and we pray it stays that way. Our personal resources have expired; we are officially drained on so many levels! It is in these moments that the Lord reminds us that indeed he is in control, his burden is light and we just need to give our burdens to him. He never intended us to do this in our own strength but to allow him to do it for us.

So we are trusting him in it all...trusting him for continued employment until we leave, storage for our things which does not cost, someone who either want to lease/rent our car or buy it, the funds required to attend the DTS and to provide day to day needs including medical insurance. When I step back I see God's hand and find myself bolstered by his goodness. He has continued to surprise me with unexpected gifts from individuals I didn't expect to bless us and with his timing in this all.

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